Friday we BYOB’d to Babe’s Chicken Dinner House. That place is awesome! It’s true southern food like your grandma used to make. The biscuits remind me so much of Saturday mornings at my grandmother’s house… Man, they are good!
Saturday was shopping for the girls and the Dallas Comic Book Convention for the guys. Mike and Garrett did their thing at the Con, and Julie and I got pedicures at my fave place that gives you margaritas (yum!) and then went to Sam Moon for accessory overload.
Sam Moon was worth moving to Dallas for all by itself. It’s a wholesale accessories warehouse that I could spend all day in. I’m talking awesome necklace and earring sets that are only FIVE DOLLARS! It’s crazy! If they had shoes, I would hide out in the bathroom at night and live in the store like Natalie Portman in Where the Heart Is at the Wal-Mart.
After wearing ourselves out shopping, we met the boys back at the house for dinner and then the Los Campesinos show at the Granada Theater. They rocked! The two bands before them, not so much, but they were awesome!

The Granada was also pretty cool, too. It’s an old theater with the seats taken out, so there are different levels and it’s painted really cool. It’s very art-deco. Plus, the bands even started on time. Two thumbs up for the venue.
Sunday we went to the regular theater to see District 9. The movie was pretty good! It had a good story line and characters, but it was shot documentary-style and made me a little motion sick. Plus, there’s some gross special effects, so when you’re already not feeling well, that doesn’t really help.
We were sad for the weekend to end, but we’re planning on going to Austin for Labor Day weekend with the Pedro’s and we’re looking forward to that! Woo-hoo!