Monday, November 3, 2008


Happy Monday!

Time for another weekend update from the Dollars! This weekend was a little more low-key than some of the others we’ve had lately. Friday night (Halloween) we went to a local restaurant whose employees were having a costume contest. We didn’t wait around for trick-or-treaters because the dogs get so freaked out with kids coming to the door, especially Rowdy. It takes him forever to calm down. We just turned our light off and left. (I know…we sound awful.)

Saturday we saw Changeling. It was REALLY good. It was one of those movies where about half-way through you think to yourself, “Wow, this is a really good movie.” Especially because it’s a true story, not based on a true story. The writer, J. Michael Straczynski (who is also one Garrett’s favorite comic book writers) spent years researching the story and even went through it with lawyers to make sure it was as accurate as possible. It’s estimated to be 95% accurate. Everyone deserves high praise for the movie, but Angelina Jolie was incredible. She is such an amazing actress.

That night we stayed up late to see Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live, only to find out that he’d cancelled earlier in the week and John McCain was taking his place. It was bummer, but we watched it anyway. McCain was still pretty funny and Ben Affleck was hysterical!

Sunday we got to go see Mindi’s new baby, Logan. He is such a cutie! Too cute to even put into words, so here are some pictures!

They’re such a cute family!

After that we watched the Cowboys get beaten pretty badly by the Giants. It was sad, so I won’t say anything else.

We’re really excited about this upcoming weekend, though! Mike and Julie Pedro are coming into town and we’re going to Wizard World Texas. We’re going to also do some other super-cool stuff so we’re super-pumped and can’t wait!! I’m sure they’ll be plenty of pictures to post next week!

Have a great Monday!



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